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February 27, 2020
By Dr. Don Larson

Last night I attended an Ash Wednesday service and received an ash cross on my forehead. Some of you may have seen someone walking around yesterday with an ash cross on their forehead; it may have also looked like a dirt smudge. Ash Wednesday marks the beginning of the season of Lent which continues through Holy Saturday or Maundy Thursday, depending upon your tradition. In the Bible, ashes on the head mark repentance or mourning before God. As we approach Easter Sunday, this is a good time for us to reflect upon our fallen nature, our sins, our need for repentance, and why Jesus had to die on the cross.

While the season of Lent is 40 days, it does not include Sundays, because that is our weekly Resurrection Day celebration. During this time, Christians have historically focused on these three areas: 1) prayer and fasting; 2) alms-giving & charity; and 3) meditating on Christ’s sacrifice for mankind which is accomplished through increased Scripture reading and meditating on the Scriptures.

Fasting before Easter began early in church history, and Athanasius was the first to write about fasting for 40 days before Easter in 331 AD. The Bible gives us several examples of fasting for 40 days. Moses was on Mt. Sinai for 40 days when he received the Ten Commandments. Elijah fasted for 40 days as he traveled to Mt. Horeb. Jonah prophesied that Nineveh would be destroyed in 40 days, and they fasted. Jesus fasted for 40 days in the wilderness. 

Fasting can take on many forms. I fast from candy, cookies, desserts, and other sweet treats during this time. I love sweets and have a daily desire to partake. Each time I see a sweet treat, I turn my desire into a reminder of why Jesus died for me and a prayer. It constantly brings my thoughts back to my Savior. When I am home for dinner, we read a Lenten devotion which includes Bible readings, and as a family, we give to our church’s discretionary fund that assists families in need.

In our busy lives, this is a way that helps us keep our focus on Jesus. What do you do to grow in your faith and keep your focus on our Savior? If you are looking for ways, you may want to consider celebrating the season of Lent.