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2025-2026 Tuition and General Fees

As a parent, you know that your children are your biggest investment. You want what is best for them in all aspects of their lives, and you do your best to provide that. Perhaps this is why you are considering Christian education. You want them to be well-educated, cared for, and safe from threats of this world. But what about the cost? It is a priority of Grace Christian School to carefully manage finances in a manner that will keep the Christian school option affordable for our families. 

The financial contributions of many help make this possible, from staff who are willing to serve for lower compensation than they might receive in the public workplace to our long-term relationships with donors who have partnered with us over the years. As part of our covenant community emphasis, and in addition to paying tuition, each GCS family participates in our annual "Pass It On Project" and "GCS Benefit Auction" through monetary gifts, goods, or service donations according to each family’s ability (2 Corinthians 8:3). The commitment of so many enables the school to maintain a lower tuition rate than many schools with comparable programs.

The Value of a GCS Education

  • Christ-Centered: Biblical worldview is a part of everything that we do in the classroom, as teachers guide our students to see God’s hand in every part of life.
  • Community: The relationships that are formed here between students and teachers, parents and staff, and students and their peers work together to strengthen your family as you seek to raise your children to know the Lord.
  • Holistic: We want to partner with parents to develop the whole child. We aim to prepare them to excel in whatever profession they choose, as well as giving them life skills, from serving in the community, mentoring, internships, extracurriculars, and much more.
  • Security: Your children’s well-being is a priority for you as a parent, and we take that seriously. Along with controlled access into all of our facilities, and cameras in and outside of our buildings, our employees are trained and our students drilled to prepare for an assortment of emergencies.
  • Supportive: Our teachers desire to love and educate children academically and spiritually. Our classroom size is small to allow for individualization, and all our teachers are well-trained and receive monthly professional development to better serve students and families.
Please contact our Admissions Director with any questions regarding tuition by calling (540) 886-9109 or by email at

Additional fees are applied for the following services on an as-used basis:

Approximately $6 per hour. 

Cost is determined by the amount of academic support needed.

  • Dual Enrollment classes: There is a $120 GCS yearly fee plus BRCC semester fee
  • AP classes: $120 for each AP class per year
  • AP Test Fee: about $100 for each test - in May for those that take the AP tests
  • National Honor Society dues (HS): $100 per year

These items are required for each student, but not necessarily required each year (dependent on the growth of your student).

  • PE Uniform (MS): $20
  • Honors Shirt (PS-6th): $12 per child
  • Field Trip Polo: $20 per child
  • Private Music Lessons: $22 per half-hour session.
  • Elementary Chorus: $75 per student per semester; $50 for each additional sibling. 
  • Elementary Chorus shirt $10 (as needed)
  • Elementary After School Art: $40 per session
  • Piano Maintenance fee $20
  • Theater Fees: MS: $75; HS: $100; Homeschool: $150
  • High School Chorus: $75 yearly fee
  • Choral Theme Park Field Trip: Varies according to fundraising efforts.
  • HS Retreat $125 per student
  • MS Retreat $85 per student
  • Senior Retreat & Trip $1000

Seasonal sports fees are listed on the Athletics Page.

*These fees may change, but we are seeking to give an accurate estimate.

Click Tuition Discounts below to learn about multiple children and other discounts.

General Information

GCS offers needs-based tuition assistance to families according to established guidelines.  The school believes those parents who are able to pay full tuition should do so whenever possible; however, we realize that a number of families each year may need tuition assistance.  

Tuition assistance requests are based upon a third-party evaluation by FACTS Grant & Aid.  Each request is then further evaluated by the GCS Tuition Assistance Committee, which makes the final award.

  • Any family in need of assistance may apply.
  • Tuition assistance is available for students in grades kindergarten and above and excludes preschool and pre-kindergarten.  
  • Approval of tuition assistance by the committee will be limited to the number of available student spaces in each grade. 
  • Families new to the school may submit a tuition assistance application at any time. However, the committee will award tuition assistance only after a student has been formally accepted and all required documents have been submitted.
  • Families wishing to apply for tuition assistance must repeat the application process each year.

Grace Christian School does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national or ethnic origin in the administration of the educational policies, scholarship and loan programs, admission policies, athletics, or other school-administered programs.

Tuition Assistance Application Process

The application process begins by completing the FACTS Grant & Aid tuition assistance online application.  Additional items to be aware of include:

  • FACTS Grant & Aid charges a $45 non-refundable fee for their services, payable directly to FACTS.
  • Completing an application does not guarantee the approval of a tuition assistance award.
  • Parents are encouraged to file their tax forms as soon as possible each year so that they can complete the FACTS Grant & Aid applications in a timely manner.

The following documents will need to be uploaded or faxed to FACTS Grant & Aid to supplement the application:

►Federal Tax Return including all required tax schedules
►W-2 forms for all individuals listed on the tax return
►Documentation of Social Security income, Child Support, and any other income not reported on the tax return

►Current students must be re-enrolled for the next school year before the family's tuition assistance application is considered.
►Tuition assistance applications and all accompanying forms must be fully completed and submitted to FACTS before an application is considered.
►Tuition assistance applications deadline is April 16.  Applications received after this date may be considered if funds are available.

►Parents of new students may simultaneously complete admissions applications and tuition assistance applications. However, tuition assistance will not be awarded until all admissions information is submitted and an academic screening is completed.
►Tuition assistance applications deadline is April 16.  However, when there is interest from new families after this date, applications will be considered and awarded as funds are available.

Tuition Assistance Awards Process

The GCS Tuition Assistance Committee will meet beginning in late April each year to consider completed applications.  (Applications are due by the April 16 deadline.)  Parents will be notified in writing of tuition assistance awards in May of each year.

►Only applications from parents who have either completed re-enrollment or have completed the new student application process, and submitted their completed FACTS applications, as mentioned above, will be reviewed.
►To ensure the committee has a holistic picture of the needs and can make the best decision to benefit everyone, all applications will be reviewed following the deadline.  Applications can be submitted early but will be held for the April review.
►Tuition assistance funding is limited and disbursed until monies are depleted.

Please contact our Admissions Director at

General Information

Grace Christian School currently offers one scholarship, which is the “Virginia Education Improvement Scholarship Tax Credit Program."  This program was established by the Commonwealth of Virginia as a means for Virginia families to send their children to a school of their choice using private scholarships.  

Administered by the Renewanation Scholarship Foundation with funds contributed by GCS donors, this scholarship program specifically provides tuition assistance for families with low to moderate incomes.

Scholarship Qualifications

1.  If you are a Virginia resident and if your family’s adjusted gross income for your family size is at or below 300% of the federal poverty guidelines, you may qualify for a tax credit scholarship. 

2.  Additionally, your child must meet ONE of the following eligibility requirements:

  • Is entering Kindergarten or first grade, OR
  • Attended a Virginia public school for at least one semester, OR
  • Was not a resident of Virginia during the preceding year and did not attend a private school in Virginia, OR
  • Is a prior recipient of a tax credit scholarship

Scholarship Application Process

Because these scholarships are awarded based on "need" for tuition assistance, the application and award process for these scholarships is the same as our Tuition Assistance process, with the same deadline and award notification dates.  Click Tuition Assistance above to learn more about the process.

Tuition Discounts

Our school offers two tuition discounts for qualifying school families, the Multiple Child Discount and the Pastor Discount.

Multiple Child Discount

This is an automatically applied discount for families who have two or more students enrolled in grades K-12 (PS/PK students are excluded).  This discount cannot be combined with staff and pastor discounts. It also may not be available for a family receiving a tax credit scholarship.

If you would like more information, please contact our Admissions Director by emailing

Pastor Discount

Our school offers a tuition discount to families who have a parent employed as a full-time pastor.  The family must have at least one student enrolled in grades K-12.  (PS/PK students are excluded.)

This discount may not be available, or only partially available, to a family who is eligible for a tax credit scholarship.  If the family is awarded a tax credit scholarship, then the Pastor Discount may be applied after the scholarship amount is awarded, to provide for any unmet tuition assistance needed.

If you would like to be considered for the pastor discount, please contact our Admissions Director by emailing

Tuition Work Credit

We also have a Tuition Work Credit Program (TWC) available for a limited number of families who may need assistance with their tuition.  Tuition work credit allows school families to perform cleaning and maintenance services at the school. 

Tuition work credit duties are performed on a weekly basis throughout the school year, and special projects (i.e. painting, etc.) are assigned over the summer. Tuition work credit is considered taxable income and is reported at the end of each calendar year on IRS Form W2.

For more information about the TWC Program or to request a TWC application, please contact our Maintenance Manager, Randy Knight, at