Donald M. Larson, PhD, Head of School
As a committed follower of Jesus Christ, Dr. Larson brings a wealth of life and educational experience to GCS. He retired from the USAF as a Lt Col. He served as a Special Ops Pilot in Desert Storm, the Pacific area, and Afghanistan. Dr. Larson has earned a Doctorate of Philosophy in Education (Specialization in Leadership in Educational Administration); Master of Social Science (Modern History/International Relations); Master of Military Operational Art and Science; and Bachelor of Science degree in Quantitative Business Analysis/Computer Science. He has served as a principal and Head of School in several Christian schools and works with Renewanation as a coach to help schools build a strong Biblical Worldview. Dr. Larson and his wife, Marielle, have three daughters and three grandchildren.
To read Dr. Larson's Head of School Blog, click here.