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I Can Do Nothing?

September 09, 2021
By Brian Fitzgerald, Discipleship Director

“Apart from Me you can do nothing” is probably not Jesus’ most inspirational quote. Most of us probably don’t quote this verse to ourselves throughout the day as a source of life and encouragement. Most of us probably assume that there are some things that we can do on our own. Most of us are mistaken.

Is it discouraging to think that I can do nothing apart from Jesus? I like to think that I can at least write this blog on my own, but I’m writing with a prayerful awareness that that’s not the case. I like to think that maybe I can at least drive the car, take a run, make the coffee, teach my class, clean the gutters, parent my kids, love my wife…there’s a long list of things that I’m tempted to believe I can do on my own. But that’s not the reality. The reality is that apart from Jesus I really can’t do anything. The Bible says, “in Him we live and move and exist.” That means I can’t breathe, eat, or sleep on my own. The Bible also says in Jesus all things hold together. The earth literally functions as it does because it’s held together by Jesus. “Apart from Me you can do nothing” isn't an exaggeration, and it’s not limited to spiritual truths as though we’re pretty capable of doing everyday things on our own. We were never designed to do anything on our own! Image-bearers are always dependent on their Creator for everything, and that shouldn’t be discouraging or humiliating. It’s lifegiving! You can do nothing apart from Jesus. If you’ve been living without that awareness and a prayerful reliance on Him, I suspect things have been pretty discouraging or overwhelming. We can do nothing apart from Jesus, so living as though we can isn’t realistic and in line with reality, which means things may be tougher than they need to be.

Let’s be encouraged by Jesus’ words in John 15:5, “Apart from Me you can do nothing.” This is a freeing truth, and it’s a good reminder to intentionally and prayerfully rely on the Lord for everything that He’s calling us to do.

Rebecca Mallory says:
September 10, 2021 06:33 AM CST
So good. Thanks for the reminder!