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Prayer Part 2: Pray for GCS

February 11, 2021
By Brian Fitzgerald, Discipleship Director

Praying is actually doing something, so I want to encourage you to spend some time this week praying for GCS. At the beginning of the year, we received magnets entitled “Pray for GCS,” and they contain five prayer items. I want to walk through each of them and encourage you to join me in prioritizing these in prayer before the Lord.

1.  Gratitude, wisdom, and safety for GCS leaders, teachers, and workers

Our words and prayers matter, so expressing gratitude for our leaders and teachers is no small starting place. You might even consider reaching out and sending a “thank you” note or email to someone who has positively impacted your student or family this year. Expressing our gratitude for one another in prayer to God is an exercise in thankfulness and, sometimes, humility. It also sets our focus on our blessings and away from the frustrations and distractions that so easily monopolize our attention. Let’s pray too for wisdom and safety, especially during these difficult times.

2.  Encouragement, energy, and creativity, especially for teachers

February is a dark, cold month, and your student’s teachers are human. If ever they need encouragement, energy, and creativity, it’s these next few weeks of the school year. Praying is doing something, so pray for them and encourage them. Teachers, do the same for your students and their families. We’re in this thing together!

3.  Student growth in faith and character

Life as a young person is complicated and difficult enough in 2021 without pandemics, quarantines, and election cycles. There are enough snares and worries without all of that. Jesus said that each day has enough trouble of its own, and any given day in this school year seems to fit that description all too perfectly. Nevertheless, God is at work in their lives. Let’s pray for them and come alongside them as they continue to persevere through a difficult school year.

4.  Growing deeper in our knowledge of God and His will for our lives

This is always a timely prayer, but let’s not neglect praying for and desiring to continue to go deeper with the Lord. A community who is growing deeper in its knowledge of God and His will is a community better equipped to reflect His wise care and love into the world around it. May His will be done at GCS as it is in heaven.

5.  An environment filled with joy, hope, and love

I pray that GCS will be characterized by a Christ-like environment: one filled with joy, hope, and love. Every classroom, hallway, office, athletic space … may the students of GCS be embraced by the love of God in every aspect of the school and its environment. Praying is doing something, so let’s pray and expect God to move and work toward this end.

“The Lord bless you, and keep you; The Lord make His face shine on you, and be gracious to you; the Lord lift up His countenance on you, and give you peace.” (Numbers 6:24-26)

Barbara says:
February 18, 2021 06:48 PM CST
Thanks for this encouraging message!

Brian says:
February 19, 2021 10:12 AM CST
You're welcome!