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What is Science?

March 11, 2021
By Donald M. Larson, PhD

These days, asking the question “What is Science?” is similar to asking the question “What is Truth?” Our postmodern woke culture uses the word “science” frequently. Inigo Montoya in The Princess Bride captures a perfect response when he says to Vizzini, “You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.”

In an earlier blog, I made the comment that “The Science” on COVID is constantly changing, and I received a few scathing emails accusing me of not believing in science. I believe in science more than most people, but we need to define what science really is. Science should be based upon observable phenomena, and the development of a hypothesis which can then be tested to develop a theory. What is sold to us today as science not only does not follow the scientific process, many times information is fabricated to support an agenda. 

Many of us have seen Ernst Haeckel’s drawing of embryos (see Figure 1) which has been used to support evolution and is still published in textbooks even though it is wrong. Figure 2 shows what actual embryos look like at that stage. This was an intentional alteration by Haeckel to support his views. This was known by the scientists of his time, but they said nothing. 

This type of deception continues today. Sadly, science has become more about agenda and power than finding the truth. When studies don’t agree with the agenda, they are either altered or ignored. This selectiveness has created a credibility problem within the scientific world.

This has been and continues to be a frustration for me in dealing with COVID. There are studies and scientific opinions that are opposed to everything our government has and is doing, but this information does not match the agenda; therefore, it is suppressed. There are a lot of reports that are more positive and provide hope.

I love science, but I am opposed to fabrication of information and truth being suppressed for the sake of an agenda. Next time someone mentions the word “science,” you need to ask them what they mean by science, and then you can say, “You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.”


Rhonda Morrison says:
March 11, 2021 07:02 PM CST
Thank you for your observation concerning people not knowing what the word science really means. Agenda and fear seemed to be the driving forces, not true science. It is interesting, when I was in the hospital, the doctors and nurses told told me the science was changing a daily. I think it all comes down to common sense and understanding scientists are humans too, and subject to error.

Janelle Elliott says:
March 11, 2021 07:24 PM CST
Actually, Inigo Montoya says this to Vizzini in the Princess Bride.

John Morrison says:
March 12, 2021 12:40 PM CST
Dr. Larson,

Thank you for this thoughtful blog on the concept we call "science." Your view represents the classic view of an academic discipline that used to be based upon objective observation free from any preconceived bias or, as you say, agenda. That sadly is not so much the case today, at least in popular culture. And, yes, the Covid phenomenon has especially been a case in point as so many conflicting viewpoints by so many "credible" experts have come forth. It is especially frustrating when certain "experts" make absolute statements and then, a few months later, contradict themselves with subsequent, absolute statements!

In context of all of this, I deeply appreciate the very reasoned and thorough approach you and your staff have taken to safeguarding the health of our families while at the same time allowing our children to continue their all-important education in person and in class. You and the GCS staff are to be heartily commended.

John Morrison

Wayne O'Brien says:
March 13, 2021 11:26 AM CST
Bravo! I'm amazed that it needs to be said, but it does.

Donald Larson says:
March 18, 2021 03:07 PM CST
Thank you Janelle. Correction made.

Leslie Banta says:
March 19, 2021 06:24 PM CST
I don't think contradiction = scientific discoveries are invalid. As scientists gather more information, they draw new conclusions and hopefully gain a deeper understanding of what they study. As we learn more, we understand more; exactly as Paul refers to in 1 Cor 13:11 about Christ's return making us whole: "When I was a child, I spoke like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I gave up childish ways." To understand more fully means to share new information and accept that earlier information may not have been complete. We live as children until Christ returns, when he will complete our partial understanding. The pattern of learning through scientific research is, by definition, a process of adding new information to previous information. The scientific process reflects God's process of revealing himself to us in Christ! Paul urges us to use our spiritual gifts In the meantime, while we wait for Christ to make whole our incomplete understanding. We are given gifts to equip and uplift each other. BioLogos is such a gift to believers: they aim to honor both God's word revealed in Christ as well as His truth revealed through scientific discoveries. Founded by Staunton's own Dr. Francis Collins (and highly respected and promoted by our pastor at Church of the Incarnation in Harrisonburg, Dr. Aubrey Spears), BioLogos offers a valid contribution to any discussion on Christian belief and scientific thought. The BioLogos team is working exactly as Paul urges that spiritual gifts should work for the body of believers: that our gifts are given so that we can lift each other up and mutually encourage one another as we wait for Christ's return and his fulfilment and resolution of all our current partial understandings. BioLogos members are believers and scientists living out God's truth in the world, and I'd love to see GCS include this group's work in Christian Worldview classes or in any school leadership presentations to the students and larger school family. What a valuable resource at such a divisive time!