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What is Truth?

November 21, 2019
By Dr. Don Larson

I recently attended a worldview conference and was struck by our society’s inability to define right and wrong. We were shown a dozen interviews with randomly-selected people who were asked if they could define right and wrong. Every one of them stated that there is no absolute right or wrong. Most said that it depended upon a person’s upbringing or moral beliefs. One said the society defined right and wrong. Another stated that if it feels right, then it must be right or if the body “tingles,” then it is right. The most dangerous one was a young lady who stated that if the interviewer needed her wallet more than she did, then it may be right for him to steal it from her. Her friend quickly objected, but she told the friend that he was oppressing the interviewer with his beliefs, and that was wrong. But in keeping with what she “believed,” how could she have stated that he was wrong when it might have been right to him? Was she oppressing her friend with her beliefs?

There is normally a generational difference in responses about defining right and wrong. Most baby boomers agree that there is absolute truth, even if they are not able to state where this belief comes from. GenX begins the significant slide towards relativism, and it becomes stronger with the Millennial generation. GenZ (those born after 1995) is the first truly postmodern generation who believe there is no absolute truth or right and wrong and reject the truths of the Bible.

The Bible is where we as Christians must side with GenZ or stand for Christ. In John 1, we are told that Jesus is full of truth and that truth came through Him. John 8 tells us that the truth will set us free. Jesus states in John 14, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” When Pilate asked Jesus if he was a king, Jesus responded with His purpose “to bear witness to the truth.” Jesus is the manifestation of truth—if we hear his voice, then we are his and know the truth.

There is absolute truth. The Bible defines right and wrong. There have been times when I struggled with what the Bible teaches, because it was in direct opposition to what society told me. I made a decision that I will side with God’s Word even if I don’t like it. His Word is truth, and I belong to Him. To reject His truth or to change it is to reject God. I have learned through time that when I am obedient to His word, God often gives me understanding about why He has that particular rule/commandment/law/testimony/precept. If I wait to understand before I obey, then I will never be obedient. I must trust God and His Word, which gives me truth and defines right and wrong.